Jesus said, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it." John 11:4

You Are Not Alone!

We started this blog as a support to those families in Arkansas and around the country who are faced with raising a child with a life-altering eosinophilic disorder. It has been estimated that one out of 3,000 people have been diagnosed with an eosinophilic disorder. Children suffering from eosinophilic disorders have a myriad of problems. Some of which include: vomiting, diarrhea, feeding refusal, malnutrition, difficulty swallowing, and failure to thrive, just to name a few.

Could you imagine a life without food? For these children, that is a very real possibility. Many of them are on a very restrictive diet of special elemental formula. Those fortunate enough to still be eating foods are very limited as to what they can eat, and still have to drink an elemental formula to maintain a nutritionally complete diet. Not only do these kids have a restrictive diet, but many of them have feeding tubes and endure several surgeries and procedures. These children show us parents incredible strength and endurance! It is our hope that other families dealing with this disease realize they are not alone, and that more people will become aware of this disease. Hopefully this blog will be a support to those living with eosinophilic disorders.

NOTE: House Resolution 296 passed in 2007 declaring the third week of May, National Eosinophil Awareness Week.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Conjunctivitis...a.k.a. Pink Eye

My child of strength can smile through anything...even Pink Eye! Her poor little eyes are so pink, swollen, and oozing with green stuff. Since nothing comes easily to her, we were calling the doctor on call last night after having an allergic reaction the the eye drops. The sad thing is, I made her have a reaction twice before I really believed that she was allergic to them. Not five minutes after administering the drops, she broke out in a rash all over her stomach. Poor girl was literally clawing at herself. Mark one more down to the already growing list of antibiotics that she is allergic to. Thankfully we are able to give her Omnicef; which she is starting today to get rid of the Pink Eye. Hopefully in a few days she will be back to "normal" again. I leave you with the conversation Abigail and her daddy had...

Daddy: Well Abigail, I know why you have Pink Eye. Abigail: ....confused look.... Daddy: It is because Mommy and I argue over what color they are. Mommy says brown, daddy says green, and God says....PINK! :) Abigail: yep...
He thought he was so clever.

FYI: Levaquin and Vigamox eyedrops are in the same family-class of drugs. So, if your child is allergic to one of these, don't use the other! :)

1 comment:

FoodAllergyMom said...

Oh my goodness she's precious! I just wanted to stop by and thank you for the comment you left on my blog,it made me smile and feel warm inside...well, after I cried :)
I haven't read your blog for a while. It sounds like your family has a lot going on. My thoughts and prayers are with you all on this journey. You are truly amazing!